
!!! Offer Disappears FOREVER when Counter hits Zero !!!


Firstly, I would like to share some information that is personally important to me:

Do we want your hard-earned money?

Of course, otherwise we wouldn't be offering the program for purchase, but that's not our main motivation.

What matters to us is that you successfully lose body fat and adopt a healthier lifestyle in the long run.

It's our passion, and it's wonderful to be able to accompany you on part of your journey.

Robert, Creator ShapeShift Academy

Lose body fat in a healthy and fast way with the foods you enjoy.

Here are a few HIGHLITHS from our comprehensive program:

ShapeShift Academy

Fat Loss eCourse

Nutrition eCourse

Sleep Mastery Class

Habit Formation 101

Time Mastery eCourse

Beginner Guide to the Gym

Chair Workout



  • Fat Loss & Nutrition Video eCourse
    Basic courses on how to lose body fat in a healthy way, everything you need to know about nutrition, macro and micronutrients, food label reading, meal preparation, and much more.
    After completing this course, you will know what and how much to eat in order to lose body fat and how to maintain your weight.
  • Sleep Mastery, Habit Formation, Time Mastery Video eCourse
    A video course on how to improve your sleep, adjust your habits, and better organize your valuable time.Better sleep will not only help with your body weight, but you will also gain more energy and navigate through life and work more easily. You will laugh at bad habits in the future and find it easier to manage your schedule.
  • Workout Plans for Gym and Chair Workout Program
    Training plans for beginners (both female and male) and a program that you can easily do at home.You will know what to do at the gym and never train aimlessly or inefficiently again. Or you can enjoy your chair, which will accompany you not only during meals but also during exercise now.

What is the price?

First: How much does only nutrition counseling cost?

The prices of nutritionists vary depending on where you live, and there can be significant differences. For an initial consultation, you can expect to pay at least $100, with additional sessions costing around $70 each. If you opt for three extra sessions, the total cost would be $310.

If you're lucky, this might include workout plans for the gym. However, these advisors won't teach you how to sleep better or manage your time effectively.

They often offer pre-made meal plans with dishes you may not like, leaving you unsure of how to create a personalized meal plan that suits your needs.

You may also lack knowledge about the proper macronutrient distribution, requiring expensive consultations in the future. When we started our fitness journey, we had a training plan and a nutrition plan (including foods we don `t like e.g. avocado) created for us, which cost us $140. However, this was several years ago, and I suspect it would now cost around $200.

As a token of our appreciation for your interest, we are offering our packages at a highly discounted special price!

Don't Miss Out!

Order Within the Next 24 Hours and Get an Extra $20 Off!

Hurry, time is running out! For the next 24 hours only, take advantage of our special offer and enjoy an additional $20 discount on your purchase.

How to Claim Your Extra $20 Discount: Simply place your order within the next 24 hours, and the extra $20 discount will be automatically applied. It's that easy! Don't wait – this exclusive offer won't last long!

Time is Ticking: This special offer is only available for the next 24 hours, so act fast to secure your extra $20 discount! Buy now and make your purchase extra rewarding.

Don't miss this opportunity to save! Treat yourself to something special and enjoy an extra $20 off when you order within the next 24 hours.

Act Fast – Exclusive Offers End When the Timer Hits Zero!

Attention, Savvy Healthies!

Our Exclusive Offers Are Only Valid During the Countdown.

Once the Timer Reaches Zero, These Incredible Deals Will No Longer Be Available. Don't Miss Out – Buy Now to Take Advantage of This Limited-Time Offer Before It's Too Late!


ORDER ShapeShift Academy $77 ONLY


Regular Price $ 74

Unlock the Power of Your Mind and Body with Our Exclusive Bundle! Dive deep into understanding and overcoming emotional eating while embracing the peace and clarity of mindful meditation. For a limited time, get both our highly acclaimed e-courses, Emotional Eating & Mindful Meditation, for an incredible price of $74 just $27. This bundle is your guide to balancing your emotions, enhancing your mental wellbeing, and embarking on a journey towards a healthier, more mindful lifestyle. Don't miss this opportunity to transform your relationship with food and your mind for the better. Add to your order now!

Access Our eCourses Anywhere:

Desktop and App Compatibility

You will receive the following bonuses when you purchase the ShapeShift Academy








A very special One

InnerCircle-also included

Please find the detailed description below



Welcome Blueprint with all the important information about what you can expect from us, what we expect from you, how to get started, and a chance to get to know us better.

Additionally, you will receive information about Embracing Nutrition beyond Calories, a Fitness Planner, The Fitness Kickstart, Meal Prep Challenge, Recipe Ideas, The Peak Protein Pack, and our Stretching Guide. All of this is included to ensure a great start.



Walking for Fat Loss Blueprint on why walking is so important Is walking considered cardio? Your daily step count is crucial for fat loss. At first, I laughed at the idea, but it turns out that walking is a real game-changer for fat loss and overall well-being. By the way, sitting too long ist the new smoking!



Ready-made meal plans for immediate implementation for you.These meal plans are meant to serve as ideas, and I'm sure there's something for you here, including vegan recipes.



Fitness Fundamentals Everyone Should Know

How long does it take to build muscle

The Gym Code

The rules of weight training

Overtraining, what it is, how to recognize

Maximizing Fitness

The Gut-Brain Axis

Modern Lifestylehabits that ruin your Health

Nutrition Hacks

Guide to Healthy Mediterranen Diet

Eating Outside, How to Track Calories



The next game-changer in your fat loss journey, numerous tips on how you can easily burn more fat throughout the day.



Sometimes, supplements are necessary too. Learn all about healthy supplements, whether, when, and how to use them. You also have access to our Live Good - Section, where you can order high-quality yet affordable supplements.



This program is the guide to your ultimate fat loss. My wife and I have successfully completed it, and it is designed for everyone. You don't have to be trained, even as a beginner, you can and should go through this transformation.

Why did we name it the 4/8/12 Fat Loss System?

After 4 weeks, you will notice the changes in your body, after 8 weeks, people in your immediate surroundings will notice, and after 12 weeks, everyone will truly realize that you have lost a significant amount of body fat.

Why did we add this as a bonus and at the end of our ShapeShift Academy?

Our own experience comes into play here. As you already know, we successfully completed the program, but it proved to be quite challenging. The reason being, we had no experience in calorie tracking, had to optimize our time management, and even though we were already eating healthy before, our meal plan was far from the optimal macronutrient distribution. If you start with this program right away, the new necessary to-do's can be challenging and the risk of giving up increases significantly. We want to spare you these obstacles and therefore recommend that you take the eCourses beforehand to familiarize yourself with calorie tracking and meal preparation.

Here are some comparison photos again

For your motivation! 😊

3 Months between the photos

Finishing the 4/8/12 Fat Loss System

This is a recommendation from us based on our experiences.

If you want to start right away, you can certainly do so. There will be no competition among us, everyone has their own approach and pace. Start the program in a way that suits you best. Please make sure to follow this program, as it is your key to success. It may be challenging at times, but being overweight and/or sick is even more challenging.


In our app, we have a dedicated InnerCircle for the ShapeShift Academy and a separate channel for the 4/8/12 Fat Loss System. Here, we and our members exchange information, answer questions, and provide additional support. Since this is not a public group, only members who are on the same journey have access. This ensures that unnecessary comments from outsiders are not possible, creating a safe space, if you will.



Why Should You Trust Us?

You might be wondering why you should place your trust in us. First and foremost, we don't just talk about living a healthy lifestyle; we embody it, as you can see from our photos. It's important for us to highlight that we manage to maintain this lifestyle alongside our full-time jobs, without sacrificing our other hobbies, such as photography. Transparency is a value we hold dear, and we're always open to listening and engaging with you. Our primary focus is to offer our support for a healthier lifestyle change. As you have read or seen, our program is comprehensive because we understand that this journey can present various challenges. With the information and guidance we provide, navigating these challenges can become significantly easier. By the way, Robert holds a Nutrition Consultant license.

And we make a promise to you: we will always give our best!

Do we offer a guarantee?

YES, We guarantee your success. If you follow all of our steps and still don't see results, we will refund you the full amount.

Is the ShapeShift Academy just another diet program?

Absolutely not. The ShapeShift Academy introduces you to a new way of losing unhealthy fat in a healthy manner, and you don't have to give up your favorite foods. It's a comprehensive approach to wellness that transcends typical diet schemes.

Despite my full-time office job, how I am able to offer these courses?

All of our courses have been created by experts and are based on scientific findings. We have put together a package that has emerged from our own experience, including the "missing links" that are not offered in other programs. This is also our major advantage - combining expert knowledge with the experience of being able to do the programs despite having a regular 9 to 5 job. Our age, even at 50+, may motivate you to start, as it is never too late. By the way, Robert holds a Nutrition Consultant license.

What topics are covered?

All things related to a healthy lifestyle! You'll find programs for body, mind, and soul, designed to guide you through various aspects of well-being.

Why Do We Offer a Separate Course on Emotional Eating?

Emotional eating is a significant and complex issue that we address within our basic package. However, if you're seeking to gain a deeper understanding and control over emotional eating, we recommend purchasing this course at a special one-time price. In this course, we delve deeply into the aspects of emotional eating, providing you with comprehensive insights and strategies to manage it effectively.

Why Do We Offer a Separate Course on Mindful Meditation?

Mindful meditation is a foundational practice that supports both mental and physical health, offering a wealth of benefits. While our basic package touches on mindfulness, our dedicated course on mindful meditation goes much further. It includes a variety of guided meditations tailored to different needs and experiences. This course, available at a special one-time price, is designed to deepen your meditation practice, helping you achieve greater peace, focus, and self-awareness. With numerous guided sessions included, you're sure to find the support you need to incorporate mindful meditation into your daily routine effectively.

Calorie tracking is not fun!

Yes, we completely agree with you, it can be tedious and annoying at first, but you get used to it. It's also not like you have to track your nutrition for the rest of your life from now on. Just track your current meals and, if you're following the 4/8/12 Fat Loss System, track your optimized meal plan. After a while, you will develop a sense of the amount of calories in your food, and you won't need to document your daily calories anymore. You will know it intuitively - think of it like doing math. We all use a calculator, but we still know that 3 x 3 is 9. If we didn't know that, we would have to believe everything the calculator spits out, even if it says that 3 x 3 equals 12.

Not ready yet?

You have no time pressure and set your own pace. Take a look at the basic courses, familiarize yourself with everything, and your desire to start will awaken.

Start the 4/8/12 Fat Loss System whenever you want, but commit to the 3 months once you start. It's wise to choose a time period when you can adhere to the guidelines.

An example from our lives: I really like sweets, so it would be a very bad idea for me if the 4/8/12 Fat Loss System fell during the Christmas season. Unfortunately, I can't do without Christmas cookies. Even on summer vacation, I don't pay much attention to nutrition, so the 4/8/12 System doesn't fit in either.

As you can see, it's not necessary to live healthily all year round - give yourself weeks where you take a break from it. But don't miss the moment to pay more attention to your nutrition again.

# We leave dedicating everything to a healthy lifestyle to the extreme health fanatics and professional athletes. We want to live happily, and that includes indulging in unreasonable things from time to time!

Do you think you lack willpower and discipline?

As mentioned before, most people fail on a diet because of the wrong calorie intake and macronutrients, which is often mistaken for a lack of willpower and discipline. Of course, these two factors are also important for weight loss, and if you're struggling with them, we offer a motivational course in our ShapeShift Academy that also addresses discipline. Both programs are included for free. It might also help to know that self-discipline transforms into a routine after approximately 3 weeks. Let me give you an example: My office was on the fifth floor, and I decided not to take the elevator but to take the stairs every day. At first, it was challenging to motivate myself to do this, but after those approximately 3 weeks, it became a routine. Now that I've moved to the second floor, I miss the daily stair climbing.

Are you afraid of failing?

If you follow our guidelines, you won't fail. You may experience setbacks, believe me, that happens to everyone. Even we still face setbacks. It's completely normal and a part of life. What's important is that you accept the setbacks, but don't let them get you down!

Concerned about changing your lifestyle?

Well, your current lifestyle has brought you here and you don't have to completely change your life. Take it step by step. You'll see that with the right nutrition and exercise, your thoughts will become clearer and you'll feel how good it all is for you. The next steps will then become much easier for you and soon you'll regret not starting much earlier.

Are you afraid of being hungry?

In our program, hunger is not an issue.

You will be surprised at how much you can eat and still lose weight. When we switched our diet to the right foods, initially, we struggled to consume our calculated calorie intake. The last month of the 4/8/12 Fat Loss System will be a bit challenging, but you are already well on your way and enjoying your successes, so eating less will be easier for you.

Is this program also suitable for women?

Absolutely YES! Michaela has successfully completed the 4/8/12 Fat Loss System and achieved significant success with it. Even her thyroid disorder, Hashimoto's, did not prevent a tremendous fat loss..

What about the yo-yo effect?

You also have control over the yo-yo effect.

You won't regain body fat after your transformation. After the 4/8/12 Fat Loss System, you may gain a few pounds, but that will only benefit your muscles. Your glycogen stores will replenish, and your muscles will appear fuller. If, however, you do happen to gain weight again, you have the tools in hand to shed those pounds. Keep an eye on your weight in the future - daily weighing is key - so that you can intervene if necessary.

Is it necessary to go through all Programs?

No, but it is advisable to do so. As you may be aware, we also went through the program and encountered a few challenges that were quite frustrating. Therefore, if you are new to tracking calories, going to the gym, and meal prepping, it would be beneficial for you to take advantage of all the available courses in order to achieve the greatest level of success.

Is it absolut necessary to go to the Gym?

No, it is not absolutely necessary to go to the gym. If you don't go, there are certainly disadvantages: you will also lose muscles and you will be able to eat less as well. Try to at least achieve your daily goal of 10,000 steps and increase your daily TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure).

You don't want to build a lot of muscles, You don't like that?

Don't worry, looking like Arnold Schwarzenegger takes a lot of time and you need illegal aids. We don't use those because we want to be healthy. Strength training not only has the advantage of building muscles, but it can also protect against diseases like cancer, help maintain your bone density and has much more benefits.

You have a full-time job, will You have time for this?

Yes, our programs are designed to work even with a full-time job. We've lived these routines ourselves while working full-time, ensuring they can fit into busy schedules.

You struggle to find the time to balance workouts and meal preparation?

In this situation, focus on proper nutrition and increase your daily calorie intake through daily steps and the tips provided in the Blueprint "Beyond the Gym". Our Time Management course can also be of assistance to you.

You don't feel confident doing this on your own?

We have an Inner Circle in our app where we support you. Also, our members can exchange ideas and experiences there, protected from the "outside gaze."

Are You looking for Supplements?

We do not have our own line of supplements. However, we collaborate with the company "Live Good" to provide affordable and high-quality supplements. You can find more information about them in our app or click here.

You think the price is too high?

We believe that if you celebrate and reflect on your successes, you'll see that the program is even more valuable.

What Happens If I Can't Decide Within the Next 24 Hours?

If you're unable to make a decision within the next 24 hours, the price for our program will increase to $97. Additionally, the price of any add-on offers will also see an increase. Please be aware that this opportunity is time-sensitive. Once the 24-hour window closes, this page and the chance to enroll in the Shapeshift Academy at the special price will no longer be available to you. We want to ensure our community gets the best value, which is why this exclusive offer is made available for a limited time. Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to transform your health and wellness journey at an exceptional price.

Want to see our site first and understand how everything works?

Here's a short "walkthrough video" for you. If you want to explore our site on your own, click here . But don't forget to come back in time; the clock is ticking, and the offer is only valid for 24 hours!.

Was artificial intelligence used to create the programs?

The programs were developed by experts, with artificial intelligence serving as a support tool. For instance, AI was utilized for research, used for voice-overs, creating images, and even producing our ShapeShifter song. Think of it like nutrition supplements: the hard work is done by human hands, with artificial intelligence used as an aid.

Do you have more questions or need assistance?

We are here for you, please contact us via email at info@healthywealthy.fit.

Don't forget, it's not necessary to dramatically reduce your body fat!

Eliminating Unhealthy Body Fat: Our Goal

# Take time for your health, because if you don't prioritize it now, you may have to make time for illness later!

Thank you for your interest. We're thrilled to be able to accompany you on your journey. Take action now and enjoy more vitality and energy in your life!

It's an invest,

not an expanse!

The Choice is Yours!

And don`t forget -



Below, you will find a list of all included courses and bonuses:

Fat Loss eCourse

Time Mastery eCourse

Essentials, Everybody Should Know

Nutrition eCourse

Beginners Guide to the Gym

Big Welcome Package, For Your Optimal Start

Sleep Mastery Class

Home Gym

How To Master Self-Discipline

Habit Formation 101

Chair Workout

Motivation Mojo Deluxe Package


The Guide For Your Ultimate Fat Loss

Walking For Fat Loss

A Gamechanger

Beyond The Gym -

A Gamechanger

Meal Plan

Ideas For You

Healthy Supplements Secrets

And Last But Not Least - Our InnerCircle & Safe Space

Here we can support and motivate each other without any disruptive comments.